The_Cavy_Closet — Guineapigslovehay

I thought I heard them talking

cavy cavy care cavylove cute pets Guineapigslovehay pickingupguineapig TCC

I thought I heard them talking

When I first met my guinea pigs they weren't happy. They were mad at the world actually. The man I took them from said: " It's not like I gave them any attention" as if it was funny. Animal neglect is never funny and there are rescues everywhere to save animals but once you have bonded with your guinea pigs you should feel responsible for them for the rest of their lives.  Needless to say, I learned the sounds very quickly and with a soft voice and routine I have been able to make friends and calm the chattering.  I...

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Bag of hay cavy hay cavy vitamin c Guinea Pig Hay Guinea Pig supplements guinea pig vitamin c supplements Guineapigslovehay hay Hay Every Day Natural Science Vitamin C Suppolments Timothy Hay


Hay is the most important thing. The only thing guinea pigs really care about is HAY.  Give them FRESH HAY Every day!  Hay treats!    Hay Toys!     Guinea pigs mostly eat hay, supplemented by pellets, vegetables, and fruit. Every other day, add some salad to their meal with collard greens, zucchini, or shredded carrots. Check the calcium levels of the food you offer. High Vitamin C is great, High Calcium is not great. Check the calcium levels of the food you offer. High Vitamin C is great, High Calcium is not great for your cavy.   Have you ever tried...

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