No one should suffer with lice.
If your pet cavy itching and scratching it may have a common ectoparasite called lice. The word is intimidating and probably makes you itch just thinking about it, but never fear, the important advice is here. Guinea pig lice can be treated and eliminated safely (and even prevented) if you know what to do. Does My Guinea Pig Have Lice? If you suspect your cavy has lice seek medical attention from your exotic pet veterinarian (find one near you) immediately. Your vet can diagnose your pig with lice and treat it appropriately, possibly using a drug like Ivermectin. Do not...
The Cavy Closet Joins Tik Tok
Better late than never, right! @thecavycloset The Cavy Closet Joins Tik Tok ##TCC ♬ original sound - thecavycloset
Grooming Guniea Pigs
Grooming your guinea pig can be excellent for bonding. Hair Styles are fun too! Pet Guinea Pigs have A LOT of hair to style. Your guinea pig's coat should be well groomed, with no bare patches or red patches. The eyes are the windows the soul and if you make eye contact and focus on what they might need it seems like they are trying to tell you. Smart small animals will signal certainly and it's up to us just to pay attention. If you find that your guinea pigs are still too shy it's okay. They're prey animals so they...
Clean the water bottles EVERYDAY!
Water bottles are very important. Of course, always clean your water bottles! Read all about how to clean water bottles properly in this other article.
Read all about how to clean water bottles properly in our other article.
Different styles of bottles will be offered on The_Cavy_Closet and you can choose your favorites.
I suggest you get multiple bottles so you can switch them to wash them, but my best friend likes to use water dishes for her small animals because it's more natural.
Hiding places
cavy hidey cavy house guinea pig hiding places guing pig house hidey hidey house hiding places

Hiding places are a necessity - an overturned plastic tub or pail, or a cardboard box is the least you could do. (the cardboard boxes can just be discarded if soiled and replaced they are perfect barricades for floor time). Large diameter PVC pipes (with thick walls) make good tunnels and hides as well but make sure your cavy won't get stuck. I've noticed that if a hidey doesn't have multiple entrances so sometimes I cut holes in the sides and sew them back together myself. Just crafts. Takes these strawberries for example, after I cut holes in the sides they became the...