I thought I heard them talking
cavy cavy care cavylove cute pets Guineapigslovehay pickingupguineapig TCC
When I first met my guinea pigs they weren't happy. They were mad at the world actually. The man I took them from said: " It's not like I gave them any attention" as if it was funny. Animal neglect is never funny and there are rescues everywhere to save animals but once you have bonded with your guinea pigs you should feel responsible for them for the rest of their lives. Needless to say, I learned the sounds very quickly and with a soft voice and routine I have been able to make friends and calm the chattering. I...
Paging Doctor G. Pig, STAT!
Let's face it -- when you see a service dog out and about with their human, doesn't your heart swell with so much love and pride for that dog you just wanna throw a televised awards ceremony??
Find a qualified vet before you need to!
Why do you need to take your Cavy to the vet? Veterinarians are TRAINED to treat your animals and the internet is not. Sometimes you look everything up and you think you are doing the best you can, by self-diagnosing but actually taking your pet to a professional IS doing the best you can and by the time you get there it may be too late. Especially sad when it's something really simple to fix. First, they will likely suggest testing that will cost money you may not want to spend. You should start saving for these unexpected costs now. Dare...
GuineaLynx ( is an incredible, up-to-date online resource for guinea care.
Did we mention GuineaLynx ( is an incredible, up-to-date online resource for guinea care? GuineaLynx ( is an incredible, up-to-date online resource for guinea care! There's a specific page I use often for dosing. It's really useful. Lyn Zantow maintains an informational cavy care website and active message board at She lives in Charlottesville, Virginia